Using your call center to sell (3 tips and tricks)

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Typically, when a customer calls in to your call center it is for a question — or possibly, a complaint. Either way, this is a huge opportunity for your business.

You see, a call center serves as an avenue for solutions, but it is also a driving force for bettering the customer’s experience.

When a customer calls in or contacts a representative through chat — they are looking for an empathetic and quick fix to their issue. If done properly — this can create advocacy and loyalty out of a customer.

Obviously, this is a good thing — and can increase sales down the road.

But there are other ways your call center can increase revenue for your business. Here are 3 reasons why having a well-trained customer service staff can increase revenue and keep your customers happy.

1. Upselling

This one is a touchy practice. You have to be careful when upselling customers, it’s a sort of art. There are certain times and circumstances that warrant an upsell, and it’s the representative’s job to read the situation and make the call. This is where having expert training and staff support separates the big earners from the rest.

Understanding the right time and place to upsell can certainly boost sales numbers, but the way in which it is done is crucial. Finding solutions or other products to upsell to customers must also benefit the customer. The best interest of the consumer has to be at the forefront of the upsell — otherwise it can backfire. Creative solutions and problem solving are just a few ways to upsell products or services to customers — but it has to be done the right way.

2. Brand Awareness

Brand awareness in 2018 permeates through every interaction a customer has with any aspect of your business. This can be sales support, packaging, social media — the gambit is any interaction at all.

The intimate nature of a person-to-person conversation with a call center representative presents a perfect opportunity to strengthen brand awareness through positive experience. Solidarity in your company around how you want your company to be seen is necessary for creating successful customer experience champions.

3. Support after the sale

The opportunity to create advocates and loyal customers doesn’t end when a sale is made. There should be continued sales support long after a purchase. Influencing future buys can be done through an exceptional customer experience.

Getting feedback or questionnaires from customers can also give your business an idea of what has been working and where you can improve. These insights can also improve on after-sale support initiatives.

Call centers should make your customers feel appreciated, valued and cared for. In doing so, you are unconsciously promoting your brand and spreading positive brand awareness. Don’t silo your call center into just problem solving. There is tremendous opportunity to upsell and create loyal customers that can increase revenue. Well trained representatives and support staff are essential to building a well-rounded and complete customer experience cycle.



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