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Santa Claus Is Coming to The Contact Center

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If you have spent 2017 under the cloud of poor customer experience, there is good news – Kris Kringle, better known as Santa Claus, is making rounds to ensure that organizations get the spirit of the holidays infused into their customer experience plans.

Research has shown that 2017 was not the best year for customer experience, with 2018 shaping up to be even more challenging. Many believe this is the work of Burgermeister Meisterburger, a well-known antagonist of the positive customer experience, who was unavailable for comment as he was too busy counting all the coal in his stocking.

Recently we caught up with Kris Kringle, who in addition for being a solid advocate of good manners, positive behavior and generally being nice, also believes in giving to others. He provided some insights on ways organizations can boost their customer experience while removing the cloud Meisterburger may have left over them.

“It starts with a general sense of joy and merriment, coupled with a focus on active giving,” says Kringle. “I find that often people become overwhelmed or wrapped up in their own challenges, rather than seeking to understand how another person may feel.”

Kringle is an expert on spreading good cheer and helping others feel happy.

“Sometimes it’s as simple as a big jelly belly laugh. Other times, it requires more focus, like understanding everything a person goes through to work with you or your company.”

Kringle has cultivated a loyal following for many years, something that not every major conglomerate can do. Additionally, his business is very seasonal, making the stress levels of his team run high, particularly this time of year. So, what is the secret to keeping everyone happy?

“It starts with having an understanding of each person’s needs, from the team of elves to the children to the parents,” says Kringle. “Then you develop a process that keeps everyone on track and focused, without making them work too hard.”

The seasonality of his business is extreme, but not too far from many retail organizations. What can we learn from how Santa and his elves make it work?

“We were providing friction-free service before there was even a name for it,” says Kringle. “We do our best to figure out what our customers want, in this case the children, and then deliver it in a way they expect. If something goes wrong, such as an item breaks or needs to be returned, we make that easy as well. It’s really about great experiences.”

Obviously having a band of elves may not be viable for every business, but fortunately there are contact center teams and partners who can certainly help put a little joy into your customer experiences!

Wishing you a Santa Claus-level customer experience for you and your clients in 2018.

Happy Holidays from the Humach team! May your season be merry and bright!


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