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Contact Center Technology

Must-have contact center technology for 2018

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The new year has ushered in a new wave of recognition among business owners that their old customer service practices just weren’t cutting it anymore. With surveys showing plateaus and decreases in customer experience satisfaction, it was quickly recognized that too many companies were maintaining old practices and failing to incorporate updates to their contact centers.

Now that the cat’s out of the bag, businesses are developing new strategies and investing in the latest customer experience tools. The following list is a rundown of some of this year’s top contact center technologies:

1. Cloud-based call centers

Cloud computing is taking hold across numerous industries, and now contact centers have begun incorporating the technology for its versatile nature: it provides easy data migration and allows for hassle-free updates, plus allows for seamless expansions and additions so business opportunities can grow. It’s perfect for managing contact center data to ensure customer service representatives are always working with the most up-to-date, personalized information available for a more fluid experience. Hybrid versions of cloud-based contact center technology enable the framework of your customer service model to remain intact and leave transfer speeds up to your business.

2. Chatbots for customer interactions

Customer experience satisfaction does not discriminate against robots providing service instead of humans. Chatbots are rapidly gaining traction and being refined regularly based on consumer input. Studies show that 40 percent of customers do not value human interaction over an AI tool like a chatbot, so long as the bot provides competent, personalized service. Personalization and helpfulness rank high as priorities for customer service, and with a well-programmed AI chatbot, not only are waiting times drastically reduced, but accuracy due to human error is minimized.

3. Interactive Video (IV)

One major emerging call center technology is the use of interactive video (IV). Video tutorials and instructables can help people troubleshoot a problem or learn more about a product on their own as a first step, as well as provide opportunities for promotions, advertisements, and other ways of keeping customers occupied while they’re on hold so it feels less like a wait and more like additional problem-solving. Video gives people a deeper channel to reach your company, especially those who tend to be avoidant of calls, and provides a chance to answer common questions before the question is escalated to the next level.

4. Quality management apps

Contact center agents can use technology to gauge performance on the job and find areas to improve both customer interactions and the services provided. Management can also keep tabs on agent performances to ensure policies and procedures are being met, as well as how customer demand factors into the daily routine of an individual representative. It’s an excellent tool for training and efficient problem-solving to increase customer satisfaction.

5. Automatic call-back technology
The waiting game is reduced through tools that allow customers to forgo waiting on the phone and receive an automatic call-back once their place in the queue is reached. The options are initially automated, with the opportunity to connect with a live representative. Since most consumers say they’re opposed to waiting long periods of time, this technology allows for more flexibility on the customer’s part while managing larger contact center queues of customer phone inquiries.

Keeping ahead of current contact center technology helps drive competition and increase positive customer experiences, which amounts to higher revenue and strengthened business processes. Don’t wait to update your contact center and utilize the most cutting-edge tools available. Your customers deserve the seamless experience they expect.


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